Partnering with First Light, Inc.

If you’re a partner with First Light, know that a significant portion of the resources earned with you, go toward supporting these missionaries and their work around the globe.

We leave the control of it all securely in the hands of God and depend on Him to bring us home at the end of the day, so we can share our gifts, talents, time, and treasures with family, employees, friends, and missions we support.

Community Fellowship Church in West Chicago, IL: Interested in getting connected? Want to learn more? We love our church… come see why!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Vision: “To present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.” See what Same Cote and his team are doing in the inner city of Chicago.

Juna Amagara Ministries: The mission of this ministry is to raise up and equip children in Uganda with the tools they need to become leaders within their community. It is our vision to empower their personal and spiritual growth by providing children with safe shelter, quality education, balanced nutrition, health education and vocational training.

Mike Silva is a gifted evangelist and has traveled to thirty countries sharing the message of Christ with 4 million people.  Check out more information on the upcoming Mike Silva Festival.

Men’s International Missions develops disciples for Jesus Christ, helps plant independent churches, and conquers illiteracy though Christian education.

Mission 318’s vision is to meet the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of the impoverished in the name of Jesus Christ.